July e-bulletin

Georgiana Houghton, The Sheltering Wing of the Most High, 1861

“Faith suggests that we are in fact complete and never separated from God, but we just have not found it out yet. We have not awakened to the loving presence of God within us that is forever waiting to be discovered. In this perspective, the primary gift we can give to one another is to practice Centering Prayer faithfully and allow circumstances to refine the experience of peace that occurs. The abiding state of peace that God calls us to in the Beatitudes maintains it in daily life. Life happens. God works with our willingness and consent to bring about the transformation of our inmost being into the eternal happiness for which we have been created.”

Thomas Keating
Consenting to God As God Is



Q: I find it difficult to endure an hour of Sunday Mass, unless the priest happens to be an involving speaker. … I find it close to impossible (with my ADHD) … I know that not all priests have the oratory skills of Fr. Keating and I feel shame and defeat that I could not endure today’s Mass despite my years of Centering Prayer practice. I would much appreciate some guidance at this point.

A: Read the full question and Leslee’s response here.+++

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