Photos from the Four Consents Retreat

Photos from the Launch of the CD on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina at the Emmaus Retreat Centre.





Sr. Fionnuala Quinn OP, one of the narrators on the CD, addresses the assembled audience at the CD Launch.


Br. Denis Gleeson cfc  one of the narrators on the CD addresses the assembled audience at the CD Launch.


Rev’d Robert Lawson – MC at the recent Launch of the CD on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina at the Emmaus Retreat Centre.


Rev’d Garth Bunting – Residential Priest Vicar at Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, Guest Speaker at the CD Launch.


L-R Rev’d Garth Bunting, Sr. Fionnuala Quinn OP and Br. Denis Gleeson cfc



A section of the audience at the recent CD Launch on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina


2nd Saturday Photos


Introduction to Centering Prayer

Adult Education Centre SION HILL Blackrock, Co. Dublin


Introduction to Centering Prayer    (1 Oct.-26 Nov.)  Wednesdays     10.30-12.00 noon

Blanaid Gallagher, O.P.

There is a growing desire for MEDITATION in to-day’s society. This method, developed by Thomas Keating, OCSO, opens minds and hearts and leads to inner silence. Come and experience the journey towards transformation.  Voluntary contribution for each session.

An Iconic Call to Contemplative Prayer’

The Sublime Round Tower by Kathleen Lynch FMDM
is an exploration of the writings of John Cassian and his integral ‘sublime tower’ metaphor, which compares powerfully the reciprocal dynamic between the foundation, walls and uppermost cone of the tower with the three transformational stages of the spiritual journey in prayer: foundational purification of the heart, gradual illumination through conversion of lifestyle, and eventual contemplative union with God.Sr kath
For Cassian, imitation of Christ is the way to recover the full image and likeness of God in the perfection of love. He wants to encourage his readers to move beyond Jesus’ instruction on prayer or example of prayer in his earthly life to real participation in the Resurrection Consciousness of the Glorified Christ.
Sr. Kathleen says:
I hope to evoke renewed interest in Cassian, as he excels in integrating in a wonderful way the lived experience of the spiritual journey, with the goal of all spiritual endeavors, namely the contemplation of God

Book now available at




Why not make a Retreat?


There are many opportunities for Retreats this summer.

Click RETREATS  on the home page for a full list.

One retreatant said, I found it to be a very peaceful experience. Come and See…..





Introductions to Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer

See the Complete Listing of Centering Prayer Retreats in 2014


 Please view

Introductions to

Centering Prayer

Under Courses on the

Home Page

Spiritual Journey Sessions: Navan Road

 Spiritual Journey: Second Saturday of Each Month

DVD’s featuring Thomas Keating ocso

 Time: 10 a.m. – 12 noon

CENTERING PRAYER, DVD Featuring Thomas Keating , Hospitality

January 11th 2004:   Attitudes  Towards God                                                                               

February 8th 2004:  Prayer as Relating to God          

March 8th 2004:         Stages of Dying (from new series by Keating on Death and Dying)

April 12th 2004            After Death from new series

May 10th 2004              The Cross from new series        

June 14th 2004:                The Mystery of God                     

(No sessions in July or August) Flowers 1932 016

The Six Continuing Sessions to the Introduction continue at the same time

Introductions to Centering Prayer in 2013

Introductions to Centering 2013.

Dominican Resource Centre Cabra.
January 12, 2013  Part 1: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and February 9, 2013
Part 2: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm.
Contact Sr. Fionnuala Quinn 086 2352299 email:

The Newman Institute, Ballina, Co. Mayo.
Saturday, January 19, 2013 (10.00 am – 3.30 pm)
Contact Sr. Attracta

Adult Education Sion Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

Presenting the basis of Centering Prayer and reviewing the

practices for the Spiritual Journey.

January 22nd – March 12, 2013

Contact Sr. Kathleen Moran at 2886832/ 2882075

Mullaghmore Retreat House, Co. Sligo.
Saturday, February 9, 2013 (10.00 am  – 3.30 pm)
Contact Sr. Catherine Coleman 071 9176722

Pastoral Care Centre, Denmark St. Limerick.                                                                                                                      Saturday, February 9th 2013

(2 – 5 p.m)

Contact Sr. Rose Murphy 087-9834685                                                                                                                                                      or Sr. Freda Kenny  087-1272957

St. Columba’s Parish, Iona Road, Dublin 11
Sunday, February 10, 2013 (2.00 pm – 6.00 pm)
Contact the Parish Office 01 8308257

Emmaus Retreat House: Weekend Introduction to Centering
From 6.00 pm Friday, February 15 – 2.00 pm Sunday, February 17, 2013.
Contact Emmaus 01 8700050 email:

Redemptorist Retreat House, Esker, Galway.
Saturday, February 16, 2013 (10.00 am – 3.30 pm)
Contact Maria Logue Kennedy at 087-6456757

Ursuline Retreat Centre, Shannonbridge, Co. Roscommon
Saturday, February 23, 2013 (10.00 am – 3.30 pm)
Contact Sr. Maura Moran 090 9674305

St. Mochata’s Parish Centre                                                                                                                                                  Porterstown, Dublin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Saturday, March 9th, 2013 ( 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.)                                                                                                                                                 Contact Jim and Joanna Gallagher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        At 01 8382502 or


Visioning Day Photos

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