February e-bulletin
Christina Bernazzani, know thyself
“The absolutely certain help you can give to someone else is to work on yourself — that is, by loving more, becoming more humble, by trusting more. You do not usually have to do anythjing else, and that will save you a lot of useless trouble. Yes, God will inspire you to particular things, but you do not worry about the results or the success or lack of it. It is love that is doing the work, and as it becomes purified, it becomes the immaculate love.”
Thomas Keating
God is All in All: The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey
Q: I have been practicing Centering Prayer for more than 20 years, but I have never experienced “evacuation” of emotions during the prayer as Fr. Thomas describes. … [I]s it a negative sign that I am still not able to surrender enough for it to happen during the prayer!? I rarely “go deep,” even after all these years. …
A: Read the full question and Leslee’s response here.
You can read the complete bulletin at https://mailchi.mp/coutreach/2025-feb-e-bulletin?e=9aa0837e74