October e-bulletin
“Be still, and you will know, not by the knowledge of the mind, but by the knowledge of the heart, who God is and who you are.”
Thomas Keating
Consenting to God as God Is
Q: Sometimes during Centering Prayer, an emotional pain comes up that causes me to cry from a deep level. Is this Divine Therapy or is it the “emotionality” teachers tell us to avoid?
A: Read Mary’s response.
Q: I’m at times confusing Centering Prayer with mindfulness meditation. At times when I’m doing Centering Prayer, I find that I’m focusing on my breath and I know I’m not supposed to focus on anything. I’m wanting to build more of a relationship with God and feel God’s presence in my life, but also I’m wanting to reduce the anxiety in my life. So, do I do two different sits each day?
A. Read Mary’s response.
Have questions? Submit your questions about your Centering Prayer practice or other contemplative practices, the spiritual journey and the contemplative life to any of our contributors by emailing pamela@coutreach.org.
You can read the complete e-Bulletin at https://mailchi.mp/coutreach/2022-oct-e-bulletin?e=9aa0837e74